5D BIM Quantity Take-off / Cost Estimation

4D BIM scheduling and 5D cost calculation techniques require expertise. Nika Project has 4D and 5D BIM experience in many international giant projects.

Building Our Future with BIM

What is a Quantity Takeoff?

NIKA BIM & DC Management

BIM helps QTO by enabling automatic extraction of quantities from the 3D models, which reduces the need for manual measurements and calculations.

The process of Quantity Takeoff is the fifth dimension of BIM (BIM 5D). This process enables the extraction of only the metric information required for the construction cost definition directly from the BIM model.

Why Companies Should Use the 5D BIM Quantity Take-off / Cost Estimation?

☉ Accuracy and Precision
☉ Efficiency and Time Savings
☉ Enhanced Decision-Making
☉ Improved Collaboration
☉ Risk Mitigation

Discover the Key Benefits of Utilizing Quantity Takeoff


Cost Management

Costs are tracked and updated automatically for the benefit of the construction company and client.


Quickly Identifying Quantities

The team members can easily obtain accurate measurements through automatic derivation from the model, improving workflows and efficiency.


Fast Calculation

Thanks to the efficient BIM procedure, calculation and data entry can be completed swiftly, significantly reducing working times and costs.


Improved Collaboration

5D BIM enables better collaboration and communication among stakeholders, reducing errors and enhancing decision-making.

NIKA BIM & DC Management

How We Help You Perform 5D Quantity Takeoff

1. Comprehensive Data Integration: We seamlessly integrate project data from various sources, including architectural drawings, engineering plans, and BIM (Building Information Modeling) models.
2. Advanced BIM Technology: Leveraging state-of-the-art BIM technology, our team extracts detailed information from 3D models, enabling a precise analysis of quantities and materials.
3. Real-time Collaboration: Our collaborative platform allows for real-time communication and coordination between project stakeholders. This ensures that all team members are on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and optimizing the overall construction process.
4. Cost Estimation Expertise: Our experienced team of quantity surveyors and cost estimators meticulously analyze the gathered data to provide you with reliable and detailed cost estimates.

Superior Software

Watch Quantity Take-off process as using Autodesk Revit Software

Nika Project uses the world's leading advanced software in all 4D and 5D BIM studies. With the Autodesk Revit integrated Takeoff system, all your projects can be processed in full control.

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What Is 5D BIM Quantity Take-off / Cost Estimation?

5D BIM Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation is an advanced methodology that integrates the spatial information of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with cost-related data to accurately estimate project costs and quantities of materials.
by Nika Managing Director

What We Offer?

At NIKA BIM & DC Management, we offer comprehensive 5D BIM Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation services tailored to your project needs:

1- Detailed Quantity Take-offs: Utilizing advanced BIM software, we extract accurate quantities of materials and components from the BIM model, ensuring precise cost estimations.

2- Cost Data Integration: We associate cost data with BIM elements to generate detailed cost estimates based on the quantities extracted from the model.

3- Dynamic Cost Analysis: We conduct dynamic cost analyses and scenario simulations to evaluate the impact of design changes and construction methodologies on project costs.

4- Collaborative Platform: We provide a centralized platform for accessing and sharing quantity and cost information, facilitating better collaboration among project stakeholders.

5- Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to meet your specific project requirements, ensuring cost certainty, efficiency, and control throughout the project lifecycle.

Partner with us at NIKA BIM & DC Management for reliable and efficient 5D BIM Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation solutions that optimize your construction projects and drive success.

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