CAD to BIM Conversion

You can access all BIM services from a single center. NIKA BIM & DC Management offers inclusive BIM services.

What Is CAD to BIM Conversion?

CAD to BIM conversion involves the process of transforming traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings into intelligent Building Information Modeling (BIM) models. At NIKA BIM & DC Management, we specialize in converting CAD drawings into BIM models to unlock the full potential of your design data and enhance collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

Using advanced BIM software and methodologies, we extract relevant information from CAD drawings and incorporate it into the BIM environment. This includes converting 2D drawings into 3D models, assigning intelligent building components, and enriching the model with metadata such as material properties, dimensions, and other relevant data.

The CAD to BIM conversion process enables stakeholders to visualize and analyze the design in a virtual environment, facilitating better decision-making and coordination. By transitioning from CAD to BIM, you can leverage the benefits of parametric modeling, clash detection, and data-driven insights to optimize your project outcomes.
by Nika Managing Director

What We Offer?

At NIKA BIM & DC Management, we offer comprehensive CAD to BIM conversion services to support your project needs:

1- CAD Drawing Analysis: Reviewing existing CAD drawings to identify key elements and information for conversion.

2- 3D Modeling: Creating accurate and detailed 3D BIM models based on CAD drawings, capturing the geometry and spatial relationships of building components.

3- Parametric Modeling: Adding intelligent building components and attributes to the BIM model, enhancing data richness and functionality.

4- Metadata Integration: Incorporating metadata such as material properties, dimensions, and specifications into the BIM model for enhanced analysis and coordination.

5- Quality Assurance: Conducting thorough checks and validations to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the converted BIM model.

With our expertise in CAD to BIM conversion, we help you transition seamlessly from traditional design methods to a more collaborative and data-driven approach. Partner with us at NIKA BIM & DC Management for reliable and efficient CAD to BIM conversion solutions.

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