BIM Solutions


Complete and advanced software solution for integrated management of 4D projects. It is customized for construction project management services.

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Why BEXEL Manager?

BEXEL Manager is a premium BIM solution providing the most comprehensive set of features for advanced 3D visualization, model data management, clash detection, automated QTO, cost management, smart scheduling and progress monitoring.

With extensive data analysis and reporting tools BEXEL Manager empowers all project stakeholders to make informed data-driven decisions based on real-time data.


Integrated Cloud-based Ecosystem

Revolutionary intelligent Construction planning engine that uses BIM data, zones and methodologies, generates optimized schedules and creates detailed 4D/5D BIM simulations.

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Construction Planning and Cost Management in a Single BIM Application

Smart Cost management workflow automatically generates cost classification based on knowledge bases, auto assigns cost items to BIM elements, and creates Cost Estimate.

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Bexel Manager

Design Review

A high-quality BIM model leads to a smooth construction process. With advanced 3D BIM features, BEXEL ensures minimized conflicts in later stages and straightforward quantifications with instant BIM-based visual QTO reports.

Automated IDS verification based on predefined check rules and custom data enrichments enhances BIM model quality and establishes a solid foundation for analyses, simulations, and management tasks, greatly improving overall project quality and efficiency.

NIKA BIM & DC Management
NIKA BIM & DC Management

Bexel Manager

Smart Scheduling

Advanced 4D BIM scheduling engine designed to bring the functionality of creating fully automated construction schedules and alleviate time consuming, manual sequencing. A smart algorithm finds the optimal solution in terms of minimum construction cost and time and resource balancing even for the most complex projects, containing hundreds of thousands of elements.

Bexel Manager

Cost Management

A fully integrated 5D BIM Cost Management enables various advanced analyses such as model-based Cost Estimation, Schedule creation and optimization, Construction progress monitoring, and Schedule impact analyses.

Cost Management enhances project control by integrating spatial and temporal dimensions with cost data, providing a comprehensive platform for analyses and a more holistic project management process.

NIKA BIM & DC Management

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