Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant

The Krasnoyarsk smelter is one of the largest smelters in the world. NIKA BIM & DC Management services were preferred in this giant project.

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Project Description

The Krasnoyarsk Metallurgic Plant was set up in 1969. The company specialises in processing aluminium and aluminium alloys and supplies flat and round bars, pressed mouldings, rods, pipes, forgings and stampings made from aluminium alloy. The main focus of production at the plant involves melting, casting and pressing.

Currently, KraMZ has a production capacity of 180,000 tonnes a year.

KraMZ is located in an industrial area along with its main supplier, Krasnoyarsk aluminium smelter, thanks to whom it can use liquid aluminium in production and avoid additional costs of having to melt the metal.

  • Client: Renaissance Heavy Industry
  • Employer:
    Project Name: Modernization of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant
  • Project Status: Completed Project
  • Location: Russian Federation
  • Our Services:
  • Preparation of Construction Simulation of All Buildings in 4D
  • Advanced Packaging Method Level 3 Animation

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