European Investment Bank New Office Project

NIKA BIM & DC Management's superior quality services were utilized in the central project of European finance.

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Project Description

The new EIB building will be set up in Luxembourg next to the EIB’s current headquarters in the Kirchberg area. It will add a further 1,500 workstations aiming to bring back employees onto a single campus currently located in decentralised offices. In a later phase, once the new building is completed, the EIB original building, the West Building, will undergo extensive renovation. The project will ensure a sustainable presence of the EIB in Luxembourg in a cost effective manner.

The building will be functional, efficient and ecological, providing the EIB with the flexibility to adapt to future changes. The premises – a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) - will be representative of the Bank’s core mission as the EU Climate Bank. The project design has already received the “Excellent” classification under BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method).

  • Client: Ballast Nedam International
  • Employer:
  • Project Status: Ongoing Project
  • Location: Luxembourg
  • Our Services:
  • Preparing the 4D Level 3 Schedule Animation Service
  • Tracking 4D Planning with Minor Scheduling
  • Preparing the Method Statement 4D Simulation Service
  • Monitoring 4D Planning Process
  • Resource Based BIM Tracking System Service
  • 5D Cost Estimation Service
  • 5D Cost/Interim Payment Application Management Service Monthly

You can follow the current status of the solutions and services implemented by NIKA BIM & DC Management in the project from this section. We are in constant development for our ongoing and completed projects.

Project Progress
Service Integration Status
Customer Continuity Status

Overall Progress

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